Sitewide Price Reversal — We’ve Gone Back in Time to Lower Prices! Plus Enjoy a Charming CAS Design from Michelle Short

In the middle of last year, we revised our pricing to compensate for the rising cost of materials and overhead. While our increased pricing made sense for our business and was completed using sound data, given the current state of the world, it did not make sense for our customers.

One of our Core Values is Customers First. So while we know it’s important to offer quality products and speed of light shipping, we also believe it’s critical to provide products that are affordable and accessible for our customers.

As of yesterday, we’ve reversed our pricing. We know that we are living in an unprecedented time and that crafting brings so much relief and relaxation, and we want to ensure we are doing our part to keep you crafting with all your favorite things.

Also, we will continue offering the amazing customer service, lightning-fast shipping, and quality products we currently do. All of this put together makes this a win-win-WIN for all of us.

Thank you for loving MFT all these years and giving us grace when things we can’t anticipate occur. It is always our intention to offer you the very best every step of the way, and that will continue.

Process videos from Michelle are always a relaxing appreciation of her coloring skills, her step-by-step explanation of how she determines the placement of her elements, and her always-charming finished cards. Today's project features the delightful new Pig Time Fun set. Her inclusion of a wave element from the Friends with Fins die set creates an ideal spot to tuck her sailboat into — a perfect finishing touch! Finally, a vibrant sunset sky beautifully highlights her beach scene while allowing that sweet little piggy to steal the show.

Handmade card from Michelle Short featuring products from My Favorite Things #mftstamps

Handmade card from Michelle Short featuring products from My Favorite Things #mftstamps

Watch Michelle's process for creating this card on the MFT YouTube channel HERE or by playing the embedded video below. 



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This is very kind and understanding. Thank you from the bottom of my credit card!

Cyndi Manuel June 20, 2022

Seriously outstanding MFT! Yall rock! Thank you!

And, SUPER cute card today!

Cat June 18, 2022

As a post script, I want you to know that I’ve told all my crafting friends too.

Marion Evans June 15, 2022

I’ve always appreciated MFT’s high quality products and excellent customer service, but this now is exceptional! I had been holding back I put in my order almost immediately I got the email. I do hope many others follow suit and you can demonstrate to other businesses that this approach is worth their while pursuing too. Thanks so much, MFT.

Marion Evans June 15, 2022

Wow – thank you MFT! Your generosity is appreciated and your products are always so much fun to receive! I look forward to everything I order like a kid at Christmas! Michelle – love the card!

Jenefer Martin June 14, 2022

This is an exceptional offer for those of us who have been watching our pennies. I was a little late in making my list but do have a notification to be e-mailed on some items. Thank you so much.

Bunny June 14, 2022

How refreshing to see this! I know as a customer I do spend more when I get a good deal. Kudos to you!! I am now putting together my list!

Cindy C June 14, 2022

Thank you so much for thinking about your customers first, I am so thankful for the price reversal, while I completely understood why it was necessary, it definitely made it more difficult to afford, prices keep rising but our paychecks don’t. Thank you for always providing outstanding products and customer service.

Ailsa Fifield June 14, 2022

Exceptional customer “care” and service! Thank you, MFT!

Gayle I. June 14, 2022

Hi, MFTS and Michelle –
This card is darling and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Lori S in PA

Lori Spitzer June 14, 2022

I wanted to pop in and thank you for the exceptional service and products. As a long-time customer and local friend of MFT, it made my day to see the recent pricing reversal with your customers in mind. That, to me, is first class! And, this card by Michelle is super fun and colorful. Thanks for the continued inspiration, as always.

Gaylynn M June 14, 2022

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