2025 Design Team Introductions Day 2!
By Kim van der SandenJanuary 02, 2025
It's time to meet two more of our 2025 Design Team members, and I'm pleased as punch to introduce you to Jess and Kimberly.
Kimberly fell in love with MFT years ago and loves creating with our products. While she's personally beautiful, I went gaga for her MFT cards and her photography. 😍
You can follow Kimberly on Instagram here.
And just for some eye candy I've posted one of my favorite cards from her IG acct.

Jess is just truly the kind of enthusiastic that I hope to be someday (I'm already there when it comes to pets!). The kind of enthusiasm that is contagious, in my opinion, in the short time I've known her.
You can follow Jess on her IG account here, and pay special attention to her agenda pages! OMG, I want one, and at the same time know I'll never write in it. It would be buried with me. Just kidding...but not really.
